Performance management
Performance management
In these posts we explore all types and aspects of performance management.
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Measure mania – a nasty performance management disease
Measure mania is a disease of performance management. it is easily caught and spread. It is a compulsive behaviour to measure absolutely everything. How do we recognise measure mania? Measure mania is easily recognised in organisations. The organisation will be...
Obsessive compulsive target setting – a nasty disease
Obsessive compulsive target setting is a disease of organisations and regulators. It is also loved by the media. It is a disease easily caught by those starting in performance management. How do we recognise obsessive compulsive target setting Obsessive compulsive...Helpfully stolen accountability – a lesson in delegation, accountability and decision making control
Let me tell you the story of the curious case of missing financial control. In one organisation we worked with, the objective was to develop the autonomy and capability of various business units, located in separate properties around the country. The company ran...Why use a KPI? Beware the KPI substitution heuristic
Why use a KPI? There is a lot of discussion about which particular measure, indicator or KPI to use. There is far less discussion about why use a KPI in the first place. Actually, the reason is often a heuristic. Let me explain…. To solve difficult...
The Chief Executive and the Lightbulb: How we think about performance management
As I talked, I noticed that the Chief Executive was no longer listening. She had gone into that state of deep thought, staring up and away into the distance; thinking intensely: thinking about something – I had no idea what. I decided not to disturb those...Leading indicators: Ten different types for different situations
Leading and lagging indicators seem to create confusion for some people, yet with a clear understanding, it is easy to see explain how they work and help people think productively about how to create and use them. In this article I want to explain how different types...