Balanced Scorecard alignment is used to ensure the whole organisation is connected to the strategy. We cascade the strategy map, strategic themes, objectives and scorecards through the organisation to ensure people can see where they fit in and how they can contribute.
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by Phil Jones | Updated 2 Jul, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Alignment
A linkedin question recently was about the integration of the Balanced scorecard framework and the Project hierarchy. The questioner desctibed their situation like this: “We have a top level strategy map for company-wide usually contains 15-25 main strategic...
by Phil Jones | Updated 15 Feb, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Alignment, Strategy implementation, Strategy maps & mapping
A client recently asked an important question. They are in the middle of strategy development and planning. They want to move to more useful measures and a better grip on the organisation. They are considering a strategic balanced scorecard approach. There is so...
by Phil Jones | Updated 21 Jun, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Alignment, Strategy maps & mapping
Last week I had a conversation with a client who already has a strategy map (or so I thought). However when I asked about their cause and effect model across the perspectives they sounded blank. It turned out that what they were calling a strategy map was actually an...
by Phil Jones | Updated 15 Feb, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Alignment, Strategy maps & mapping
This post is about the structure of a strategy map and the importance of using a purpose or mission statement at the top to anchor the strategy you are describing. Before we detail the financial perspective we must position the organisation’s purpose or mission...
by Phil Jones | Updated 15 Feb, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Alignment, Strategy maps & mapping
How do you cascade a balanced scorecard? Here are some simple rules that I use when when cascading balanced scorecards, learnt when I worked with Norton & Kaplan. Ones that I continue to apply with my clients. 1) Cascade objectives rather than measures. While...
by Phil Jones | Updated 15 Feb, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Alignment, Strategy
A key part of strategic performance management is aligning the organisation with the strategy. We help our clients align their organisation with their strategy in a variety of ways. Here are just a few examples. Aligned Projects & Programmes If your investments...