KPI & measure design
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Milestones and activities are not measures: but they are still useful
I was listening to my colleague and friend, Stacey Barr this week. In her seminar, she was making it very clear that many make the mistake of using things that are really milestones or activities, when they are talking about measures. She is right. However, people...Leading indicators: Ten different types for different situations
Leading and lagging indicators seem to create confusion for some people, yet with a clear understanding, it is easy to see explain how they work and help people think productively about how to create and use them. In this article I want to explain how different types...The danger of “What gets measured gets managed” and a better approach
You often hear: “What gets measured gets managed”. I want to put a different perspective on this because our experience is that it is far too simplistic. Management is a far richer than simply measurement, isn’t it? A better phrase might be:...
What is the difference between a measure and an indicator?
What is the difference between measures and indicators? This question has become a perennial topic on many discussion forums: To us there is a clear and useful distinction. Unfortunately, a very loose language merges these separate words, measures and...Balanced Scorecards in Charities, NFP and Social Enterprise – Three mistakes to avoid.
Mistaken approaches to Balanced Scorecard Perspectives for NfP organisations To really create change and implement strategy in a charity, you need more than a simplistic scorecards. You have to be thinking modern Balaced Scorecard approach: One that systematically...
Leading indicators and lagging indicators – making sense of them
I see many conversations about leading indicators. People searching for a leading indicator, or arguing whether an indicator is leading or lagging. This article provides a simple way of breaking through this problem. The whole debate about whether an indicator is...Problems cascading balanced scorecards and how to avoid them
There are some very common problems cascading balanced scorecards, that are regularly encountered, and easily avoided. If you have ever tried to cascade measures in a balanced scorecard you will likely hit problems that are common to many starting down the...