by Phil Jones | Updated 25 Apr, 2017 | World of Management & Business
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: in reality a discourse on quality. I was doubly disappointed to hear that Robert M Pirsig had died today. First because his book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance was one of the most influential that I read as a teen...
by Phil Jones | Updated 8 Jun, 2013 | World of Management & Business
Watching some of the videos from Davos today I was struck by how many of the global business leaders were talking about the developing world, how the economic crisis has changed much more than views of the economy, and their concern for the effects of global trade on...
by Phil Jones | Updated 4 Jan, 2018 | World of Management & Business
Lets remember Sir John Harvey Jones and keep his legacy alive: Was he the ideal consultant? Sir John Harvey Jones died earlier this month (January 2008). Some will remember Sir John Harvey Jones as the Chairman of ICI who turned the organisation around. Some will...
by Phil Jones | Updated 4 Jan, 2018 | World of Management & Business
Charles Handy and “The New Philanthropists” This was the second time I had met Charles Handy in person and he is one of the most charming and gentlemanly people I have come across. He is a prolific author of at least 19 books and regarded as...
by Phil Jones | Updated 16 Sep, 2011 | World of Management & Business
BBC gets what it deserves on profits reporting Am I the only one who gets frustrated with the way the BBC news reports company results? Every news report seems to focus on, “This very large company (with highly paid directors) made (some large number with...