Language of strategy
How we use the language of strategy affects the quality of our strategy. Unclear definitions and ambiguity in the language of strategy thinking, underlines the strategic thinking, the conversation about strategy and ultimately its implementation. The clearer we are in our language of strategy, the clearer our strategies will be.
Browse and explore the various articles below...The origins of the word Strategy and its variations (Good draft)
If we are to talk about strategy is it worth understanding the origins of the word strategy and some of its variations. The origins of the word strategy lies in Ancient Greece The origins of the word strategy and its use, comes from the ancient Greek. They used it in...Strategy as ‘we thought about it’: Is that really a strategy?
Whilst watching a nature programme, the narrator described how “the film crew strategically placed the cameras to watch the wildlife”. What did he mean? Is being strategic, simply Strategy as ‘we thought about it’? Can we tell...What is not a strategy? Beware over-simplified strategy statements
Over the years I have read many strategy documents. Some have over-simplified their strategy to the extent that it is hard to tell what to do. What they write down sounds impressive, but is not a strategy. What are the common strategy simplification...Strategy is not the same as important: Understanding the difference
“You can strategically add strategy to any strategic sentence to give it any strategic meaning you strategically want it to strategically have.” Yes indeed folks, many people add strategy to their sentences to make them sound important. But...What is a strategic objective: well, it is not a strategy
What is a strategic objective. Well, to start with a strategic objective is NOT a strategy. Having a strategic objective is not sufficient to make a strategy. I don’t care if you call it an objective, a strategic objective, a goal or even a vision. ...