A specialist management consultancy.
A stimulant for organisations
Strategy : People : Performance : Results
Our clients want to improve their strategy, people and performance, often in unusual, challenging or complex environments.
We throw light on the underlying issues, help our clients understand the reasons they exist, and help them solve them, sustainably…
…so you, and your people, can deliver your strategy, performance and results more reliably.

I want to ensure our strategy is robust, has a clear story and will make a difference...
How do we improve the quality of our strategic thinking, execution and learning, throughout our organisation? Learn more in “The Strategy Zone”…

Our Performance Management approach is not working well. I want a better solution...
Today’s management requires better ways to manage performance. Explore how you could improve in “The Performance Management Improvement Zone“… and “The Modern Balanced Scorecard Zone“

We need to be more agile, responsive, make decisions better, and learn quicker...
It should be simple. Make good decisions, execute them well, learn quickly from them. Improve your decision making and learning in “The Decision Improvement Zone“…

I want our people to engage in our strategy, so people get it, and real change happens...
Merely communicating strategy is not enough. To change the way people think, act and behave, you have to go deeper: “The Socialising Strategy Zone”…

The way we work is changing. Are there better ways to manage our people and organisations?
How we manage our organisations is a choice, from amongst many options. Old assumptions no longer apply. Learn more in “The 4th Generation Strategic Balanced Scorecard Zone“…

To deliver our strategy we need effective culture and behaviour change...
Strategy usually involves culture and behaviour change. Learn how successful Chief Executives change the culture of their organisations in “The Culture Change Zone”…
Of course, the key to really effective consultancy is:
Getting beyond the presenting issues… and finding the real, deeper, underlying causes…
Having honest, even challenging, conversations about those causes…
Helping a client address the underlying causes, with sustainable solutions.

The paradigm shift zone
- The nature of work & employment is changing.
- We have more choice over how we design our organisations.
- The nature of competition and partnerships is changing.

Organisational structures are artificial constructs. How they really work…
Performance Management does not exist! Yes really…!
“Strategy gets eaten by culture” is a pathetic excuse. Explain….
All plans should be burnt! See why…
Is “How we manage” missing from our strategic thinking?What is the Dark Matter of organisational performance?
More Thought Provoking Articles.
Useful Resources. Need help solving a problem?
Two Books, White Papers, Case Studies and over 300 blog articles.
We have written two books to help Executives and practitioners address the problems of Communicating & socialising strategy and capturing your Strategy and turning it into a modern Strategic balanced scorecard that works in a genuine learning organisation.Communicating Strategy
Strategy Mapping for Learning Organizations
White papers and articles
Case studies
Select the images to read more. Search the site for specific topics. …or, for more information, contact us.
What types of Businesses & Organisations do you work with?
Do you pass on your skills and knowlege to our people?
Do you ever turn down clients?
- When asked to do work outside our specialism and expertise. It is the interests of neither the client, or us, to do such work.
- Where a client is not serious about change: We want to help organisations change and improve. If a client is not serious about change, and we think we cannot seriously help that client bring about the changes and improvements, we will turn work down. Again it is in neither of our interests to do this work.
Can I have an exploratory conversation with you?

Phil Jones, Chief Executive, Excitant Ltd
Water & Utility Companies
We have helped major UK Water Companies with strategy and AMP design, including the UK Water Industry Research Ltd.

Financial Services
We have helped International banks (Retail, commercial and investment), Building Societies, and Insurance and reinsurance companies.

Other sectors
Clients have engaged us from Manufacturing & engineering, Oil & Gas, Retail, IT, Professional services, as well as central & local government.

Charities & Third Sector
Our clients have includes all sorts of Charities from Fund providers, to hospices and children’s charities.

To discuss how you can be more confident your strategy will be implemented…
Just give us a call or fill out the form below.