Decision Making & Decision Taking
Browse and explore the various articles below...
Decision making: The importance of diagnosis and framing a decision
Have you ever been in a meeting where a topic comes up and the conversation becomes: Person A: “I think that is an HR problem.”Person B: “No, it’s an IT problem.”Person C: “It is a problem of funding.”Person D: “I think it is caused by customers and marketing.” ...Thinking fast and slow: How we really make executive decisions
Last year I wrote a couple of blog posts about “Thinking fast and slow with strategy” that became some of my most visited posts. The posts were inspired by the book by Daniel Kanhemann, “Thinking Fast and Slow”. I strongly recommend you get a copy and read it if...Decision Making and Decision Taking: Why do we not notice the difference
In some of my other blog posts I make a clear distinction between decision making and decision taking. When we make a decision we (literally) construct that decision: decision making is decision construction. When we take a decision we commit to action: decision...
The six frogs and decision making
Here is a question for you: There are six frogs on a wall. Two frogs decide to jump off. How many frogs are now on the wall? OK, I’ll save you the embarrassment: there are six. Why? The two frogs only decided to jump off; they did not actually jump off. Sorry!...Helpfully stolen accountability – a lesson in delegation, accountability and decision making control
Let me tell you the story of the curious case of missing financial control. In one organisation we worked with, the objective was to develop the autonomy and capability of various business units, located in separate properties around the country. The company ran...