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NFP Balanced Scorecard

If you are trying to create a NFP Balanced scorecard, do NOT use the standard balanced scorecard model. IT WILL NOT WORK in a charity or not for profit organisation!  However there are ways to make it work… We have done it in many Not For Profit organisations...
Book: Communicating Strategy – a practical guide

Book: Communicating Strategy – a practical guide

This page is about my Communicating Strategy book. It sets out the background, the structure and content, what you can learn from it, and how you can use it in your organisations. Why write a Communicating Strategy book? My communicating strategy book was written to...

Strategy roll-out

Making sure your strategy happens Are you in the position of having thought through and developed your strategy?  You now want to implement it and make sure it happens. If so, then you are like many of the clients we help.  Most of our engagements start with an...

What clients say about us

Defining and articulating strategy “The big difference has been changing our way of thinking. Looking at the organisation as a whole, more rationally and critically, and how we move forward” “The big benefit has been clarity of purpose. We now focus on the outcomes...
Strategy Diagnostic: The 4-pen Test

Strategy Diagnostic: The 4-pen Test

The 4-pen test: A simple, quick and powerful, strategy diagnostic tool. This white paper is a really simple, but insightful, strategy diagnostic tool.  If you have a strategy and: Want to make sure your strategy will create change, Plan to design a modern balanced...

Strategy Maps and Strategy Mapping: An essential guide

How to develop and use Strategy Maps to: Explain your strategy better,Improve understanding and ownership of your strategy,Encourage people to be more strategic,Reliably deliver your strategy. Whether you are an Executive, Manager or Practitioner, you are in the right...