by Phil Jones | Updated 18 Oct, 2017 | Socialising strategy, Strategy communication
Want to improve results? The MacLeod review suggests that providing a clear sense of purpose and engaging your people will positively contribute to improvements in results. In this video MacLeod summarises the big messages...
by Phil Jones | Updated 25 Oct, 2017 | Communicating & Socialising Strategy, Strategy communication
For years now people have been complaining about death by powerpoint. There is even a powerpoint, about death by powerpoint, on youtube. So how do you break the pattern? How do you get into the practice of not relying on powerpoint? How do you engage the audience and...
by Phil Jones | Updated 19 Oct, 2017 | Communicating & Socialising Strategy, Strategy communication
“Maximise shareholder value”, “The number one in the market”, “Excellent customer service”, “Raising the Standard”, “Bringing Excellence to the Surface.”, “ most admired for its people,...
by Phil Jones | Updated 19 Oct, 2017 | Planning communication
As you stand in front of your team about to tell the story of your strategy, you want to be sure that the message gets across. That is the essence of “Communicating Strategy”. You want to have thought through how you will construct and tell the story of...