by Phil Jones | Updated 15 Feb, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Perspectives
The question A recent question on a Linkedin forum was, “Does the BSC need to explicitly consider the financial capital in learning and growth perspective? ” The questioner followed up with “Commercial organizations need funds such as equity and...
by Phil Jones | Updated 15 Feb, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Perspectives
An important aspect of balanced scorecard thinking is to understand what drives performance. The objectives in the learning and growth perspective are vital for this. The problem is many organisations change the name of the learning and growth perspective and rename...
by Phil Jones | Updated 15 Feb, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Perspectives
So often I come across “balanced scorecards” that have re-named the learning and growth perspective as “people” or “employees”. They think it is more representative. However the original name was given for a reason. There are three good reasons for keeping the name...
by Phil Jones | Updated 4 Jan, 2018 | Modern Balanced Scorecards
At this time of goal setting and new year resolutions we often face a problem. We set a goal or objective, (stop smoking, make more money, lose weight, change job, etc etc) and within a few days or weeks, the goal has been dropped. Good intentions melting away like...
by Phil Jones | Updated 7 Jul, 2017 | Agile & learning organisations, Modern Balanced Scorecards
Modern Balanced Scorecards: The Sesame Street Connection To understand the Balanced Scorecard you have to understand where the originators were coming from. This article provides insights into how the originators thinking influenced the underlying principles of the...
by Phil Jones | Updated 15 Feb, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Perspectives
Why call your balanced scorecard perspective “learning and growth”? Because people who change it make three fundamental mistakes in their balanced scorecard design and use by re-naming the “learning and growth” perspective to something like...