by Phil Jones | Updated 18 Oct, 2017 | Avoiding communication mistakes, Strategy communication, Thought provokers
Whilst researching my next book, I was discussing with a Chief Executive how he communicated the culture his organisation. He explained that they published the revenue, margin and profit from every deal on the wall. Everyone knew what the overheads were so that they...
by Phil Jones | Updated 18 Oct, 2017 | Socialising strategy, Strategy communication
Want to improve results? The MacLeod review suggests that providing a clear sense of purpose and engaging your people will positively contribute to improvements in results. In this video MacLeod summarises the big messages...
by Phil Jones | Updated 18 Oct, 2017 | Communicating Strategy: The Book, Strategy communication
Lots of time is spent developing a strategy and planning its implementation. Yet a simple fact remains: no matter how good the thinking behind the strategy, if it is not in the heads, hearts and hands of the people who need to execute it, it has been a waste of...
by Phil Jones | Updated 18 Oct, 2017 | Strategy communication, Thought provokers
All plans should be burnt…. …and the Chief Executive did just that – in front of his 50 senior managers. Recently the Managing Director of a client organisation was presenting their strategy to the senior managers. He started by openly admitted that...