by Phil Jones | Updated 4 Jan, 2018 | Culture of performance, Ownership and buy-in, Quality of conversation
Do be aware how you frame a performance management discussion. I often encounter clients whose experience of performance management discussions is that they are a game of scoring the maximum amount and justifying a high score or protecting against the potential...
by Phil Jones | Updated 4 Jan, 2018 | Culture of performance, Performance management
The importance of accountability: between people’s actions, giving care attention, and the context in which we work. I am a great fan of the “Undercover Economist” series of articles by Tim Harford, that appears in the Saturday Financial Times. This...
by Phil Jones | Updated 27 Oct, 2017 | Culture of performance, KPI & measure design
A tragic story of targets and “Incentives” When explaining how poor targets and measures destroy common sense, I often cite the case of Accident and Emergency (A&E) times in UK NHS hospitals. The government (through the Department of Health &...
by Phil Jones | Updated 26 Jun, 2018 | Culture of performance
It is useful to recognise that performance leadership, precedes performance management. It is a responsibility of leaders and managers. But how explicitly do we express performance leadership? It is a cliché that “People do not like change”. It is wrong. It is not...
by Phil Jones | Updated 23 Oct, 2017 | Culture of performance, KPI & measure design
A recent forum discussion I was involved in centred around how you should engage people with measures and the effect of incentives, on the culture of performance. In my experience there are several aspects that alter the culture of performance, of which incentives (at...
by Phil Jones | Updated 26 Oct, 2017 | Culture of performance, KPI & measure design
Do you trust your staff? A post on the PMA forum reminded me of a conversation I once had with a client’s middle management team. It was during the balanced scorecard measures design workshop. I suggested they talk to their staff about the measures and targets...
by Phil Jones | Updated 18 Oct, 2017 | Culture of performance, Thought provokers, World of Public Sector & NFP
The other week I was talking with a consultant who works in a large-ish consultancy. He had only been working in the Public sector for two years and said he was surprised by what he found. His description astounded me. He said, “Public sector managers and staff...
by Phil Jones | Updated 4 Jan, 2018 | Culture of performance
Seeing what you look for:The blindness of performance management. In the last blog we moved from using just one eye, to talking about how that limits your perspective. In the same way limited measurement systems limit your perspective of the business. In this research...
by Phil Jones | Updated 7 Jul, 2017 | Culture of performance, Thought provokers
Human Capital: The disenfranchisement of employees For a while now, the phrase “Human Capital” has replaced “Human Resources” as the buzz phrase to refer to people in an organisation. I suspect the well-intentioned people within the “job...