by Phil Jones | Updated 5 Feb, 2019 | Decision Making & Decision Taking
One of the components of good decision-making is to recognise the level of decision you are dealing with, and particularly levels of sub-decisions, within a decision. In this article we are going to explore ‘Level 2 decisions’ that sit within a top-level...
by Phil Jones | Updated 22 Jul, 2018 | Strategy, Thinking Fast and Slow
Have you ever been at an annual strategy off-site, where you and the team developed some great plans, walked away…. and a year later very few of those ideas or plans were implemented? So often I hear of organisations, or rather their management teams, who have...
by Phil Jones | Updated 31 Dec, 2017 | Decision Making & Decision Taking, Quality of conversation
Making good decisions and executing them well is fundamental to an organisation’s strategy and its performance. How teams and organisations make and take decisions, and their whole decision process, is at the heart of this. Over the years we have helped teams...
by Phil Jones | Updated 22 Jul, 2018 | Strategy, Thinking Fast and Slow
I have been applying Daniel Kahnemans’ work to thinking fast and slow about strategy and decision making in organisations. If you are involved with strategy in any way, I strongly recommend that you read book by the Nobel prize winning Psychologist, Daniel...
by Phil Jones | Updated 18 Oct, 2017 | How we make & take decisions, Quality of conversation
The more I talk through the idea of “quality of conversation” with executives and managers i meet and work with, the more I have absolutely no doubt that the quality of analysis and decision making that goes on in an organisation is directly related to the...
by Phil Jones | Updated 22 Feb, 2018 | Decision Making & Decision Taking, How we make & take decisions, Language of strategy, Quality of conversation
Some time ago I was talking to a client about some decisions that they were dealing with and the problems they were having. The situation involved their strategy, who was involved in the discussions and who had decided what, already. I suggested that the heart of...
by Phil Jones | Updated 23 Oct, 2013 | Culture of performance, Examples & case studies, How we make & take decisions
There is a running joke between economists and psychologists: Economists, have a model of a rational decision maker. Psychologists are used to people being emotional and less rational and try to understand that irrationality. So Psychologists say that Economists...
by Phil Jones | Updated 17 Sep, 2011 | Culture of performance, How we make & take decisions
Recently I have been interviewing executives who have either created exceptionally high performing cultures, or who have achieved significant cultural change, especially around deeply embedded learnt behaviours. In one discussion the Managing Director was contrasting...
by Phil Jones | Updated 29 Oct, 2018 | Agile & learning organisations, How we make & take decisions
Back in the boom around 2000 I was Chief Technology Officer of a start-up that changed direction 180 degrees in 6 months. Within the first six months we had speed: we had our solution up and running to demonstrate a net-market for trading materials between...