Balanced Scorecards for a Charity
Over the last few years we have done quite a lot of work in the area of charities, foundations, not for profit and social enterprise balanced scorecards.
This week, Trust and Foundation News, June 09, The journal of the Association of Charitable Foundations, published a case study of the balanced scorecard work we have done for the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund.
You can find out more about the ACF on their website. You can read the article “Demonstrating and managing performance in a charity”on the Excitant website. Follow this link for both the article and to find an even more detailed version “A modern balanced scorecard approach to demonstrating performance in a charity”
The case study looked forward into the future of the fund and also at their strategy for identifying, areas to work on, engaging the public, politicians and the media, being a good grant giver, managing relations with partners and the evaluation of the effects of their work.
Phil Jones
For modern balanced scorecards that improve performance in charities, foundations, and third sector organisations.
You can find more charity and not-for-profit case studies on our website and more about solving the problems charities face and how a modern Strategy map based balanced scorecard can help.