As an Executive, the strategy execution problem is about getting the ideas and plans that exist in your heads, into the heads of your people so that they get it, change happens, and they execute your strategy.
Having worked on your strategy it will now exist in at least two places: In your heads and in plans and documents:
- In your heads. Strategy and planning is about the journey. You will have learnt things in the process that underpin how you will act in the future. Perhaps it is not in all your heads. Perhaps some have different views about how to execute it.
- On paper as a plan. This, possibly, substantial document will have the assumptions and the direction as well as contain detailed working of the investments, resources, and major thrusts of the strategy. It should embody your thinking
Now, the challenge appears to be to make sure it will works, is consistent and then to make it operational.
“In the majority of cases, we estimate 70%, the real problem isn’t bad strategy, it is poor execution” Fortune magazine
However, it is really to make sure that the rest of the organisation understand it, and can make it operational.
What we do…
We help you as a team ensure that you have a deep, rich and consistent understanding of your strategy. If you all believe it and all leave the room executing it, it is more likely to happen, isn’t it?
Typically this means:
You have a one page view of your strategy that you all understand and can present.
You have a collective understanding of the detailed assumptions and beliefs that underpin your strategy.
You get a clearer understanding of what you have to achieve, collectively, by when, and the implications of it. Also, where the crunch points and the danger signs are.
You know the warning signs and how to recognise them earlier. By knowing what you are are uncertain about, you will be clearer why you are uncertain and the implications of those uncertainties.
You know where you are with your strategy. What are the biggest challenges ahead?
You are clear what you need to do as a management team to make sure it happens.
You will know how you will measure and monitor your progress, and what it will mean for customers, stakeholders, financially and for your management and staff.
You will be clearer about the implications for resources, budget, investments, timing, capabilities and skills in the organisation.
It is clear what will make the biggest difference: the underlying capabilities, knowledge, skills and values that you will be using to change the organisation and deliver the results.
You will have a compelling story for your people.
Which means that…
You all understand what each other has to do
You have an excellent strategy communication tool
“Sophisticated investors have come to realise that good execution is more important than good vision” Kaplan & Norton
You have more confidence in the strategy and its execution
You are more likely to deliver your strategy