by Phil Jones | Updated 29 Oct, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Design Principles
A recent forum posting asked “What is the correct balanced of measures across the four perspectives of a balanced scorecard?” They wanted to see if any academics had researched whether it should be 25% each or some other ratio. This is a massively mistaken...
by Phil Jones | Updated 15 Feb, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Design Principles, Strategy maps & mapping
Strategy is about change and improvement, so Strategy maps have to reflect that change and balanced scorecards have to be able to track that change to manage performance. Modern, third and fourth generation, balanced scorecards have strategy maps. These contain the...
by Phil Jones | Updated 18 Apr, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Design Principles
Measure what you want to manage (not the other way around). To understand why, let us start with a case study: Like many organisations, this FTSE 100 Company’s executive team had a vast amount of data at their fingertips. Their monthly report contained around...
by Phil Jones | Updated 19 Apr, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Design Principles
What are you paying attention to? Have you noticed how you notice what you are paying attention to? Are you paying attention to the letter t in this article? I doubt you were, but you are now, and you can stop if you want. Likewise, when you get a new car that you...
by Phil Jones | Updated 15 Feb, 2018 | Balanced Scorecard Design Principles
A short history of balanced scorecard design What makes a balanced scorecard balanced? If you think the answer is having measures in a variety of perspectives, think again. It is not. Well, not on its own. To understand why requires a short history lesson. This story...