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Our blog articles about strategy, people, performance, decision making, balanced scorecards and culture change

Here is a way into my blog articles, over 300 of them: It is structured into major topics areas linking to the most articles in each topic area. These cover:

Blog in big blue letters

  1. The Strategy Zone
  2. Communicating & socialising Strategy: An Executive’s guide
  3. The Decision Improvement Zone:
  4. The Culture & Behavioural Change Zone
  5. The Performance Management Zone: A guide to understanding the management of performance
  6. Modern Balanced Scorecard Zone
  7. The 4G Strategic Management Zone
  8. How we look at our organisations and how we manage: The Paradigm Shift Zone
  9. Thought provoking articles about how we manage our organisations

Simply scroll down through the various topic areas and articles…

1) Strategy choice, approach and implementation articles:  Most recent first

The dangers of copy cat strategy

We occasionally see an approach to strategy which runs “They are doing this…..  we need to do that as well”. The danger is that this sounds like copy cat strategy, and probably is.  Copy cat strategy is dangerous and should be avoided.  Doing the same thing is not...

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2) Communicating & Socialising Strategy articles:  Most recent first

3) Decision making and decision taking articles:  Most recent first

4) Performance management, various types and perspectives. Most recent articles first

5) How to achieve Cultural and Behavioural change. Most recent articles first

5) Modern Balanced Scorecards. Most recent articles first

6) Fourth Generation Strategic Balanced Scorecards and modern methods of management. Most recent articles first

7) Paradigm shifts that affect our organisations and how we manage.
Most recent articles first

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7) Thought provokers, designed to make you consider thinking differently about how we manage and our organisations:
Most recent articles first

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